System process support

Quality Management Software Q-LanYs

As part of the support of system processes, we provide a wide range of focus of individual modules that support the efficiency and increase of the overall performance of quality management systems. Included is a comprehensive DMS system for the management of corporate documentation, a system for managing complaints from the customer and supplier, maintaining metrological order, managing audits and / or to support the introduction of totally productive maintenance (TPM).

The core of this area is the module for managing Tasks, Discrepancies and Projects, where it is possible to comprehensively manage individual tasks that are based on other modules. Thus, it is possible to comprehensively manage and control tasks or projects that are based on the areas of complaints, audits or revisions. The links are given automatically here and the user immediately has a comprehensive overview of the fulfillment of individual elements with the possibility of using various tools for effective control, management and evaluation. For comprehensive documentation management, it is possible, among other things, to insert a direct link to specific documents in individual modules, which are managed within the Documentation module. Thanks to this function, a clear structure with fast access to current documents is ensured. 

Q-LanYs Pack 2024 - System process support


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